From a propagandist:
What has happened to our country since 911? If people who live in our country don't like our country - don't believe it is a privilege to live in America - don't pledge their allegiance to our flag, constitution, and sovereignty and support our constitution and military - then they are free to leave - The beauty of America for those who don't pledge their allegiance to America is freedom - Any person is free to leave the U.S.!
My response:
You say our country. What do you mean? I do not own a country. Do you own a country?
You say that living is a privilege. That is the clearest indication of a collectivist that I have ever seen.
The pledge of allegiance is a nationalist socialist scam. It was developed by a man who wanted to divert folks’ attention from self ownership to obedience to a State.
The flag that you worship is a banner under which thousands of killers have slaughtered millions of innocents in the name of liberating them.
A constitution is a compromised condom that governments use for protection when they use that instrument called law to rape those over whom they exercise power.
Sovereignty is ownership of a life. You clearly believe that the lives of those who live within the borders of, and under the power, the US are owned by its government. You are wrong. I own my life. No one else owns my life.
Military employees kill folks for the benefit of governments.
You say that folks can leave. Not so true. Just try to leave for a more liberty-oriented society. No such place at the present.
Freedom is the power to say no. Liberty is that state of living where saying no is respected. Not here in the US . Folks can go to jail or die for saying no.
People like you are the ones responsible for the destruction of innocent lives by US government employees, federal, state, and local. People like you have made the election of folks like Bushit I, Cliton, Bushit II, and Oshita possible. People like you made the bankruptcies, fiscal and moral, of the US society possible.
You are wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Propagandist reply:
Doc, sorry you hate our country, but I love it and I love the American people - all countries have problems - that means you don't support our military men and women - my dad and uncles were wounded in the war fighting for our freedom including yours - But, as I state, you are living in a free nation because of the veterans and our military - and you, too, are free to leave and also to remove yourself from my site.
Don't address me as "people like you." That's insulting and please remove me from your site.